Risks and Benefits of a Gut Microbiome Sequencing Service
Tom Edwards, Sutton, England

15 December 2021

Science and medicine have made great strides in the last few decades thanks to new technologies and a more advanced understanding of what goes on in our bodies. However, we still don’t know much about the human body and how it works. That’s especially true for one of its most mysterious parts: the gut microbiome.




What is the Gut Microbiome?

The microbiome is all of the microbes (bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.) that live in our guts. This includes both bad and good microbes. However, it is clear to see why there is so much controversy around gut health with almost ten times more bacteria than cells in our body. We need these microorganisms to digest food, reproduce nutrients and fight off dangerous bacteria we come into contact with daily.

There are all sorts of companies that offer gut microbiome analysis service (and charge you handsomely for it). Still, you should be aware of both the potential benefits and risks of these services before you decide whether or not to purchase them.

How Does the Service Work?

The gut microbiome sequencing service monitors and researches your gut health. The benefits of such a service are that you can see what kinds of bacteria are in your gut, identify which ones help your body to work well, choose to maintain their numbers, or change their ratios by modifying your diet.


Who Should Get Their Gut Sequenced?

Before you consider getting your gut sequenced, consider what you’re hoping to learn. Do you suspect you have an infection? Do you want to know which types of bacteria live in your gut? If you do, then you are the perfect candidate.

What Are Some Benefits of Getting Your Gut Sequenced?


  • A better understanding of what’s living in your gut.
  • A clearer picture of how your diet, exercise habits, sleep patterns, stress levels, and other factors influence your microbiome.
  • A personalized diet plan that takes into account all these factors for optimal results.

You get detailed information about which bacteria are in your gut (and how they affect you). This helps you identify ways to change your diet, exercise habits, or lifestyle to improve your gut health. People who have undergone sequencing generally report lower-than-average levels of inflammation and improved digestion. Analyzing gut microbes also identifies any harmful bacterial infections you may have, as well as allergies that could be affecting your health.


Are There Any Risks Associated With Getting Your Gut Sequenced?

Although it is a relatively new development, it still has risks. Most people will experience no negative side effects while others have reported nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea after undergoing such analysis. Nonetheless, tests are performed on every sample to ensure that they do not contain viruses or other harmful organisms before they’re used in any kind of treatment or analysis.


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